Annoto Schoology App
This document shows how to add Annoto to your Schoology environment.
System Administrators can create and install LTI apps at the district level. Depending on the app, System Administrators may install for all courses/groups or specific users only.
Become an App Developer in Schoology
Click on Tools and then User Management
Click on Permissions
Go to Schoology Apps and APIs (at the end of the page)
Check the Box for Develop apps for system Admin
Click on Save permissions
Create the LTI 1.3 app in Schoology
As an admin, log into the Schoology apps page.
Click Add App.
Fill in the following information:
App Name: Annoto
"Annoto provides you with a toolkit that lets you create a range of assessments and interactive video activities for any use case, while providing you actionable insights on the students and the video content delivered."
Category - Choose all
Recommended For:
App Logo: Click here to download
For Type of App, select LTI 1.3 App, and Check the Launch app in Schoology
For Can be installed for, select where users will be able to access the app (e.g. Users, Courses, Groups), Click the following checkboxes and enter the following strings:
Left Navigation
Copy and paste the Annoto Dashboard string value you received from Annoto Support.
Course Materials Selection/Rich Text Editor/External Tool
Copy and paste the Embed Annoto Media string value you received from Annoto Support.
The Annoto Dashboard string value and Embed Annoto Media string value are provided by Annoto;
If you do not have this information, please contact us:
Set Configuration Type, Privacy, LTI Advantage Extensions as follow:
JWKS URL - Copy and paste the values you received from Annoto Support.
For the Domain/URL in the Schoology configuration page
EU Deployment :
US Deployment:
OIDC Login Init URL - Copy and paste the Login Initiation URL you received from Annoto Support.
Redirect URLs - Copy and paste the values you received from Annoto Support.
Click the checkbox for Require System Administrators to configure settings for this App.
Click the checkbox for This application meets the Schoology Terms of Use.
Click Submit.
Configure the Client ID
Navigate to the Schoology Apps page and log in.
Next to the newly created Annoto app, click Options.
Copy the Client ID and send it to the Annoto support/Account manager to activate your account.
Add the Annoto App to a Schoology Organization
Navigate to the Schoology My Developer Apps page and log in.
Click Install LTI 1.3 app.
Click I Agree, to authorize access to Schoology by the Annoto app.
Click Continue.
Click Add to Organization.
Click the checkboxes next to the Users, Courses, or Groups you want to install the Annoto app for.
Click Submit.
Add the Annoto App to a Schoology Course/Group
Navigate to the Schoology Organization Apps page and log in.
Click Install/Remove app.
Click All Courses.
Click Submit.
Last updated