Admin Dashboard

In addition to the Instructors' Insights Dashboard, Annoto also provides organizations with an Admin Insights Dashboard, that provides analytics and insights on the entire organization.

The admin dashboard enables a higher-level view of the entire learning and activity that took place in all courses.

Site Hub

Your site Hub gathers all content in all courses and allows you not only an overview of the activity in all courses, but also the ability to see the activity in each course and manage it.​

The controls at the top of the Hub allows you to quickly search for courses by title, sort and perform common operations:

Courses can be sorted by:

  • Number of unread comments (number of comments not reviewed by you)

  • Last activity

  • Collaboration (number of comments)

  • Interactions (number of quiz questions)​​

  • A-Z (alphabetical order)

Each course item in the Hub includes:

  • Course title

  • Number of Interactions (If there were any):

  • Number of comments (in grey) and unread comments (in red):

  • Date of Last activity in the course

Clicking on a specific video will take you to video hub to manage the discussion.



The upper part of the dashboard provides you with an overview of the activity in all the courses combined.


The Courses table provides analytics for each course within the organization:

The table can be sorted by each column to quickly find top performing courses by the selected category. For example the most engaging courses, or courses with highest Average completion rate, etc.

  • Last Activity - Date when the users were last active on the course.

  • Users - Number of users that viewed any of the videos in the course.

  • Views - Number of times the course videos were viewed. For more details please refer to How Views are counted.

  • Avg. Completion Rate – Sum of percent watched in each view session divided by number of views (for all the course users that watched the videos).

  • Engagement - Rating for user generated content creation and consumption. For more details please refer to How engagement is measured.

  • Collaboration - Number of comments and replies in all videos in the course.

  • Interactions - Number of interactions in all videos in the course.

  • Notes - Number of personal notes in all videos in the course.

  • Videos/Active Videos - Total/Active number of videos in the course

  • First Activity - Date when first activity in the course occurred.

Clicking on any of the rows will dive into the Course View of that specific course.

To learn more about Total Completion, Avg. Completion Rate and Watch time, we highly recommend to read: What is Total Completion, Average Completion Rate, Watch Time and why should I care?

Users Activity

‌The Users Activity table presents the activity of each user in the organization (for all courses combined).

The table can be sorted by each column to quickly find the most active users in the selected activity type. For example the most engaged users, or users that received the highest number of badges (Educator's Thumbs Up).

  • Last Activity - Date of the user's last activity in the course.

  • Views - Number of times user viewed videos (in all courses). For more details please refer to How Views are counted.

  • Watched Videos - Number of videos out of the total videos (in all courses combined) the user has viewed.

  • Avg. Completion Rate – Sum of percent the user watched in each view session divided by number of views (for all the videos in the course). How well the user performs in terms of dropout (how much of the video the user watch each time he viewed it).

  • Avg. Total Completion – Average Total Completion of all the watched videos. Total Completion is aggregated video completion for all view sessions (video coverage).

  • Avg. Watch Time(%) - Average Watch Time of all the videos. Watch Time is aggregated number of seconds watched in all view sessions.

  • Engagement - Score for UGC creation and consumption by the user. For more details please refer to How engagement is measured.

  • Collaboration - Number of comments and replies the user wrote in all the courses they participated.

  • Replies - Number of replies the user submitted.

  • Notes - Number of personal notes added by the user (in all courses combined).

  • ThumbsUp Badges - Number of likes on comments received from Educators.

​If a user is not on the list, it means they did not have the sorted type of activity.

The Activity Trends graph shows trends of key metrics over a period of time. It allows to investigate how the users learn over time and identify important events throughout the course life cycle.

The key metrics of the trends are: Engagement (blue), Collaboration (green), Notes (orange) and Views (red).

Exporting Data

The export button is available at the Controls Bar at the upper part of the dashboard.

Once exported, you will receive a zip that contains the following CSV’s:

  • Overview – the highlights of the activity.

  • Users – Users' activity (with additional fields such as: user email, votes, last login date).

  • Courses – All courses' activity.

Site Preferences

Site preferences, as well as Course preferences and Video preferences can be managed within the Annoto dashboard.

The Site Configuration preferences are managed from the preferences icon in the admin dashboard:

Site preferences apply on all courses within the site.

Course settings, as well as video settings, can be changed within the specific course\ video preferences, thus enabling wide flexibility of Annoto use, based on the specific need\ use-case.



Presets are ready-made sets of preferences, based on the top-leading uses of Annoto.

Selecting a preset is done from "Choose Preset" dropdown menu:

Once a preset is selected, click "Apply" to save the chosen preset preferences.

After selecting a preset, you can still change your preferences manually.

Once preferences are changed, you can always go back to the default preferences by clicking "Revert to course defaults":

Preset options:

Collaborative Learning - Creating a discussion between video viewers. Great for: Guided Watching, Collaborative Learning, Learners' Interaction & Flipped Classroom.

Personal Notebook - Enables only Personal Notes and analytics on the videos. Great for Self-Learning

Analytics - Enables to see analytics and insights on the videos, without enabling the widget

Skills Assessment - Providing time-based feedback on a video. Great for Skills Assessment use-case.

Peer Review - Providing time-based feedback on a video. Great for Peer Review use-case.

Live Video Stream - Best for Live streaming

Disabled - All Annoto features are disabled

"Disabled" preset means you will not see the Annoto Widget, nor any info regarding course activity (no insights on content, users, engagement, etc.)


Comments – When enabled, videos include the Comments Space – the tab that enables a discussion between all video viewers.

Comments Options:

  • Voting type - Select the type of voting that will be enabled in the course (Likes, emotions, etc.):

    • Like - Enable to click on the red heart to "like" a comment

    • Sentiment - Enable to vote with sentiments

    • Disabled - will not allow any voting

  • Sentiment – Enable using sentiments while commenting.

  • Export - Enable exporting video comments by all video viewers

  • Closed Discussion - Once enabled, users will not be able to add new comments to the discussion

The comments space significantly increases viewers’ engagement and is used for many different use cases, such as: Guided Watching, Collaborative Learning, Skills Assessment, Peer Review, Flipped Classroom, and more

Personal Notes – When enabled, videos include the Notes Space – the tab that enables users to manage their own private notebook.

Notes Options:

Personal notes can be used for:

  • Private noting on the video (summarizing\ highlighting\ reflecting on the content)

Video Comments – Enable participants to add recorded comments. Recording can be self-recording (Camera) or screen recording.

Video comments options:

  • Max Duration – Set the maximum length of the recorded video comment (set in seconds). Duration can be set up to 360 seconds.

People - When enabled, videos include the People Space - the tab that enables users to see all course participants and their presence, search and also mention (@) uses

Chat - Enable participants to have 1*1 chat

User Space – Enable participants to manage their info and see their activity in all videos in the course. Learn more

Notifications – Enable notification emails on new comments and replies in the discussion. When enabled, users can manage their notification preferences in the Annoto Widget

Anonymous Comments - Enable users to write anonymously. When writing anonymously, only moderators will see user's details

Moderated Comments – When enabled, every comment that is added to the discussion will be pending a moderator’s manual approval before becoming public in the discussion

Analytics – Enable the Annoto Insights Dashboard that provides you with extensive analytics of the activity - course\ videos\ participants

The analytics are visible for moderators only (not for learners)

Disabling analytics means you will not see any info regarding course activity (no insights on content, users, engagement, etc.)

Analytics Export – Enable exporting the analytics from the dashboard to csv files. Exporting the analytics is for moderators only

Video Analytics – Provides enhanced analytics on the videos, such as videos consumption and watch time

Badges – Enable adding badges in the discussion (such as: Educator's Thumbs Up)

  • Moderator Like – when enabled, moderator's vote will be presented as Educator's Thumbs Up (instead of a regular vote)

Activity Feed - Enable participants to stay updated with all the latest activity in the videos they are following. Learn more

User Experience


  • Position - position of the discussion widget inside the player when closed.

  • Load state - state of the widget once the videos uploads:

    • Kuku - A medium-sized window, presents only the comments that are relevant to the moment in the video that is being watched at any given time. distractions!

    • Open - Widget is open. Enables to view the discussion in the video and, of course, to take an active part in it.

    • Closed - The discussion is not visible, only the widget icon shows

  • Tabs - When enabled, users will see the Annoto tabs on the widget. When disabled, navigation between spaces is done via the Annoto menu

Once settings are changed - it is important to click "Save Changes":


Play triggers:

  • Comments - when enabled, video will automatically play for the user once the user submits a comment

  • Notes - when enabled, video will automatically play for the user once the user submits a personal note



  • Most recent - sorts the comments according to when they were added (newest - first)

  • Top Rated - sorts by the comments that were most voted (liked) and replied to

  • By timetag - sorts the comments by the order of the video


Locale - the main language of the Annoto widget

Theme - the background of the widget: Light \ Dark

Emotions - select the set of sentiments that can be added to the comments & notes

  • Default

  • EDU

  • Simple EDU

  • Positive EDU

  • Portals

  • Positive Portals

  • Positive mix



Full Screen Z-Index

Max width


  • Edge

  • Overlay

  • Fixed

  • Side panel

  • Side panel overlay

Side panel

Full screen enable - when enabled, Annoto will show in full screen mode as a side panel.

When disabled - Annoto will not show on full screen

Full screen width - set the width of the widget when when in full screen

Width -


Docs URL - add the URL of the docs users will go to

Moderators docs URL - add the URL of the docs moderators will go to

Contact URL - add the URL that users can contact

Import data – from one course to many

When duplicating courses, it is often necessary to also duplicate course preferences and interactions. To save valuable time and effort, we provide an option to import course data from one course to many.

Step 1: Preparing the CSV File

  • Create a CSV file that includes the following fields: Course name, Course ID, URL.

  • Save the file and keep it ready for the next steps.

Step 2: Submitting the CSV File

  • Send the prepared CSV file to our support team at:

  • Ensure that the CSV file contains accurate and up-to-date information for the courses you wish to duplicate.

Step 3: Course Data Duplication

  • Our team will handle the duplication process based on the provided CSV file.

Here's how the process works:

a. Finding the Source Course

  • We locate the source course you want to duplicate and open its hub page.

b. Accessing Bulk Duplicate Data Option

  • On the hub page, we click on the "Bulk duplicate data to other courses" button:

c. Adding Duplicated Courses in JSON Format

d. Copying the JSON Data

  • Once the JSON data is in the correct format, we copy it from the website.

Step 4: Importing Course Data

  • Communicate your preferences to our team or indicate them in the provided instructions.

  • Our team will perform the necessary actions to import the selected data into the duplicated courses: preferences, interactions, or both.

Step 5: Completion

  • That's it! All the specified course data, such as preferences and interactions, will be imported into the duplicated courses.

  • Our team will inform you when the process is complete, and you can verify the imported data in the respective courses.

Last updated