Course View
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Your course Hub gathers all course content and allows you not only an overview of the course, but also the ability to see the activity in each video and manage it.
The controls at the top of the Hub card allows you to quickly search for videos by title, sort and perform common operations:
Videos can be sorted by:
Number of unread comments (number of comments not reviewed by you)
Last activity
Collaboration (number of comments)
Interactions (number of quiz questions)
A-Z (alphabetical order)
Each video item in the Hub includes:
Video title + Thumbnail
Number of Interactions (If there were any):
Number of comments (in grey) and unread comments (in red):
Date of Last activity in the video
Clicking on a specific video will take you to video hub to manage the discussion.
An instructor has the ability to import data from one course to the other:
Course Preferences
All course comments that were written by the instructor
Course published Interactions
This was created in order to save instructors from doing the same work over and over.
That means that if you are teaching the same course in another semester – you can use the comments and Interactions you already used built-in time-tag, no need to write them again
Exporting & importing comments will be only of the instructor’s root comments.
Learners’ comments will not be imported – keeping a private discussion per course.
Replies will not be imported - as they are a part of the original course's discussion.
Comments from other instructors in the course will not be imported - to keep the privacy of each instructor.
This is easily done within the dashboard of the course you want to import to, as you can see in this short video, or in the following instructions:
Go to the course Hub:
Click on the 3-dots menu on the right side (Next to "Unrest Comments"):
Choose “Import data from another course”:
Choose the course you want to import from (you can search by title):
Choose what you want to import (by toggling) – Preferences/ Comments/ Interactions and click on the green Import button:
This is it! Everything you chose will be imported.
All duplicated comments will have the same time-tag as the original comments
Duplicating comments can be extremely useful in Guided Watching, Collaborative learning, or Flipped Classroom - anywhere you added questions, comments or insights for your learners, and you want to use them again.
Once imported, all instructor's root comments will be added to all videos in the new course. If there is a comment you do not want in a specific video - simply delete this comment.
You can mark all the comments as READ, by choosing Review all Course comments:
Course Insights consist of 4 tabs, each sheds light on a different perspective of the activity:
Users Activity
Activity Trends
This tab provides you with highlights of participation and engagement in the course.
On the left we can see a radial bar representing how many of the users are participating in the course.
Hovering the mouse over the bars provides details on the participation category:
Active Users: Number of active participants in the course
Engaged Users - Percentage of the engaged users. To learn more about which users are considered engaged, please refer to How engagement is measured.
Collaborated Users - Percentage of users that wrote at least one comment or a reply.
Noted Users - Percentage of users that wrote at least one personal note.
In the above example: 53% of the learners collaborated in the course. This indicates active learning!
The engagement in this example course is higher than collaboration. This means that the discussion created by 53% drove many more users to be engaged in the course and had meaningful interactions.
On the right side we can see general information about the course:
Active Videos – Number of active videos in this course.
Avg. Completion Rate – Sum of percent watched in each view session divided by number of views (for all the course users that watched all course videos). How well the the course videos perform in terms of dropout.
In addition, we can find the aggregated activity metrics made by all course participants.
Views – Number of times videos were viewed in this course. For more details, please refer to How Views are counted.
Engagement – Rating for user generated content creation and consumption for the course. For more details please refer to How engagement is measured.
Collaboration - Number of comments and replies in the course (for all course videos).
Interactions - Number of interactions (quiz questions) in the course (for all course videos).
Notes - Number of personal notes in the course (by all the course users).
The Courses Videos table provides analytics for each video within the course:
The table can be sorted by each column to quickly find top performing videos in the course by the selected category. For example the most engaging videos, or videos with highest Average completion rate, etc.
Last Activity - Date when the users were last active on the video.
First Activity - Date the video was added to this course (that we know of).
Users - Number of users that viewed the video.
Views - Number of times the video was viewed. For more details please refer to How Views are counted.
Avg. Completion Rate – Sum of percent watched in each view session divided by number of views (for all the course users that watched the video). How well the video performs in terms of dropout (how much of the video the users watch each time they view it).
Avg. Total Completion – Average Total Completion of all users that watched the video. Total Completion of single user is aggregated video completion for all view sessions a user had (video coverage).
Avg. Watch Time(%) - Average Watch Time of all course users. Watch Time of single user is aggregated number of seconds watched in all view sessions. The metric is shown in percentage for convenience to be comparable to the completion metrics and to be comparable between the videos in the table (hovering the percentage shows the formatted time in seconds).
Engagement - Rating for user generated content creation and consumption. For more details please refer to How engagement is measured.
Collaboration - Number of comments and replies.
Interactions - Number of interactions.
Notes - Number of personal notes.
Duration - Video duration
To learn more about Total Completion, Avg. Completion Rate and Watch time, we highly recommend to read: What is Total Completion, Average Completion Rate, Watch Time and why should I care?
Recommended further reading: How to use tables sorting for better insights?
Clicking on any of the rows will dive into the Video View of that specific video.
The Course Users Activity table presents the activity of each user in the course.
The table can be filtered by each column to quickly find The most active users in the course by the selected activity type. For example the engaged users, or users that are sharing their knowledge by adding the most replies.
Last Activity - Date of the user's last activity in the course.
Avg. Total Completion – Average Total Completion of all the watched videos. Total Completion is aggregated video completion for all view sessions (video coverage).
Avg. Completion Rate – Sum of percent the user watched in each view session divided by number of views (for all the videos in the course). How well the user performs in terms of dropout (how much of the video the user watch each time he viewed it).
Avg. Watch Time(%) - Average Watch Time of all the videos. Watch Time is aggregated number of seconds watched in all view sessions.
Views - Number of times user viewed videos in the course. For more details please refer to How Views are counted.
Watched Videos - Number of videos out of the total course videos the user has viewed.
Engagement - Score for UGC creation and consumption by the user. For more details please refer to How engagement is measured.
Collaboration - Number of comments and replies the user wrote in the course.
Replies - Number of replies the user submitted.
Notes - Number of personal notes added by the user.
ThumbsUp Badges - Number of likes on comments received from Educators.
Recommended further reading: How to better Understand the Users by using Participation and Engagement Metrics?
Clicking on any of the rows will dive in to the User View of that specific user.
If a user is not on the list, it means the user did not have the sorted type of activity.
The Activity Trends graph shows trends of key metrics over a period of time. It allows to investigate how the users learn over time and identify important events throughout the course life cycle.
The key metrics of the trends are: Engagement (blue), Collaboration (green), Notes(orange) and Views(red).
Recommended further reading: Using the Activity Trends to Learn about Users Progress.
Might also interest you: How to use Activity Trends graph Toolbar?
Course analytics data can be exported, and downloaded in CSV format
The export button is available at the top bar of the Course Insights.
Clicking on "Click to Export the Analytics Data in csv format" downloads a zip folder that contains the following CSV’s:
Overview – the highlights of the course.
Users – Course Users activity (with additional fields such as: user email, votes, last login date).
Videos – Course Videos.
Recommended further reading: Using the Course Export for Grading.
May also interest you: How to Export Activity Trends graph to CSV?
The data in CSV files is formatted and optimized for custom analysis using software such as Microsoft Excel.
The files are encoded using UTF-8. If you encounter any issues with non-English characters, please follow our How to Use the UTF-8 CSV files (non English characters) guide.
Use the Features cards and User Experience tab to choose the default preferences for all the course videos. You can manually set your preferred features or simply use one of the presets.
Please refer to Preferences section to learn more.