Peer Review Workflow
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In this brief demonstration, we will show you how to create a peer review process using a video that a student has submitted.
This process allows both peers and instructors to provide feedback on the student's assignment by using in-context comments provided by Annoto.
Here's the workflow you can follow:
Set up the assignment and the peer reviews.
Establish rubrics that include the desired criteria.
Have students submit their assignments and review each other's work.
Instructors can then review the videos, provide feedback, and assign a grade based on the rubrics and criteria they have set.
All of this can be done within the SpeedGrader of Canvas.
That's it! This process allows for effective peer review and makes grading more structured and efficient.
Click on "Assignments"
Click on the "+ Assignment" button to create a new assignment.
4. Please provide the name of the assignment. for the example we will use "Peer Review Workflow demo"
5. Select the Submission Type as "Online" and also check the "Text Box" for the Online Entry Option.
6. Choose your preferred method for assigning peer reviews:
Manual - for more information
Automatic for more information
7. In this example, we will utilize the Manual Assign Peer Review option.
8. Once you have everything ready, click on the "Save" button.
9. We'll have Student 1 and Student 2 review each other's assignments.
10. Click on the option "Give student2 another submission to assess" and select student 1.
11. Click on the option "Give student1 another submission to assess" and select student 2.
12. We'll log in as student 1 to submit the assignment.
13. Click on "Peer Review Workflow demo"
14. Click to "Start Assignment" and then click on "Embed Kaltura Media"
15. Choose between using "Express Capture" to record your camera or uploading a pre-recorded video. Once you have made your decision, click on the option to embed the video.
16. Click on "Submit Assignment"
17. Click on "Required Peer Review 1"
18. Click on Student 2 to review their video assignment.
19. I, as Student 1, now have the ability to provide feedback on Student 2's assignment using time-based comments (Text & Video) through Annoto.
20. Once Student 1 and Student 2 finished to provide feedback in each other assigment, I as an sintractor can review thier assigments and provide the a grade using the Canvas Speed graded
21. Click on "Peer Review Workflow demo"
22. To review student submissions, click on "SpeedGrader."
23. In this view, you have the ability to:
Review Student 2's video submission and also review Student 1's feedback.
Provide your own time-based feedback in the form of text and video using Annoto comments. Assign a grade based on the specific rubrics you have defined.
And the best part is, you can perform all of these tasks directly within Canvas!
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