Interactions Creation Flow

Once the interaction type was selected, define its options:

  • Content

  • Settings

  • Preferences

  • Review

Then, once all is set, publish the interaction.

Note: the interaction will not be visible to learners until it is published.

After publishing, there is still an option to edit the interactions.



Phrase the question you want to add.

Illustration: Interactions window, Question field


Phrase the answers to the question. Make sure to check the correct answer (or answers, in case this is a Multiple Answer question).

Illustration: Interactions window, Answers field

You can add additional answers by clicking on "+Answer" button:


Set the exact moment in the video that the question will appear.

If video was played when created the interaction, the timestamp will automatically be the moment in the video that you clicked "Create". The timestamp can be manually changed.

Illustration: Interactions window, Timestamp field


Assign the number of points the question is worth. There is no limitation on the number of points you can set.

Illustration: Interactions window, Timestamp field


You may add Feedback to the question, that learners will see after submitting their answer.

Illustration: Interactions window, Feedback field

In order for the learners to see the feedback, make sure to enable "Answer Reflection" in the Settings window.

When all is set, click Next:

You always have the option to go back, by clicking on "Back" button:



If enabled, reply must be submitted to continue.

  • Allow retry

If enabled, re-submitting of replies is allowed up to the configured attempts.

You can choose the total number of attempts that are allowed for the question:

Illustration: Interactions window, Total number of attempts field
  • Allow re-watch

If enabled, re-watching is allowed after mandatory CTA is presented.

You can manually set the timing of the rewinding in the video:

Illustration: Interactions window, Rewind to field
  • Time limit

If enabled, submitting of reply will be limited to the configured duration.

Illustration: Interactions window, Duration field

When "Allow retry" is enabled, Time limit cannot be set.

Shuffle answers order

If enabled, the order of the answers will be shuffled each time the interaction is presented.

Answer reflection

If enabled, reflection and feedback is shown after reply is submitted.


Presentation type

Set where the interaction will appear: as a Popup Modal or as a Side Panel

Illustration: Interaction window, Presentation type field

For Mandatory interactions, Popup Modal presentation is required.

Pause video

If enabled, video is paused when the interaction is presented.

Illustration: Interaction window, Pause Video type field

For Popup Modal, the video is always paused.


Once all is defined, Review window will present a summary of all interaction definitions:

Illustration: Interactions window, Review window

Click "Save" to save the interaction:

Preview of the interaction

When the interaction is created, you can get a preview of it, by going to the 3 dots menu (bottom right) and choosing "Preview":

Illustration: Interactions window, Clicking on Preview

This will allow you to watch the video and see the interactions that were created, in their exact timing.

Once you are done, click "Exit Preview":

Illustration: Annoto Interactions, Preview mode

When the interaction is ready - it's time to publish it!

Publishing the interactions

Once all is set, you will see the interaction in the widget, with status "Not Published":

Illustration: Annoto widget with the created, not-published interaction
Illustration: Annoto widget, with the "Not published" indication

In the interactions tab, click on the 3 dots menu (bottom right) and choose "Publish":

Illustration: Interactions window, Clicking on Publish

A confirmation pop-up will make sure you want to publish the interaction. Choose "Publish":

Illustration: Confirmation window

Once published, you will see an indication that the interactions are all published.

Illustration: Annoto widget, with the "published" indication

Publishing a single interaction

There is also an option to publish a single interaction: Simply click on the 3 dots menu of the interaction you want to publish:

Illustration: Annoto widget, single interaction's menu

And click: "publish"

Illustration: Interactions window, Clicking on Publish of a single interaction

This allows moderators to create multiple interactions and easily publish them one by one. Can be used during the live meetings, webcasts as well as asynchronously.

Editing the interactions

The created interactions can always be changed; During the creation process and even after it was published:

Editing the interaction while it is still being created

During any step of the creation, you can always go back to the previous window to adjust the options you chose, by clicking on the "Back" button:

When the interaction is created, the Review window also allows you the option to edit:

Illustration: Interactions window, Edit option in Review window

Editing the interaction after it is published

After an interaction was published, you can edit it and even determine the impact of the change.

Editing a published interaction is done from the 3 dots menu of the specific interaction you want to change:

Illustration: Annoto widget, with the option to edit

Choose if you want to edit or delete the CTA:

Illustration: Published interaction with the Edit option

Once Edit is chosen, you can change your interaction options.

Choose the impact of the change:

When a change is made in a published interaction, the Review window will allow you to determine what is the impact of published interaction update:

Illustration: Review window, choosing the impact of the change

There are three levels of impact:

  • Minor - Minor change that has no effect on submitted replies.

  • Major - Major change, give opportunity to re-submit existing replies.

  • Critical - Critical change that invalidates all replies. A new interaction is created replacing the original.

After the change is saved, the interaction will present an indication that it has a draft and is pending publishing. The changed interaction has to be published in order to take place:

Illustration: Interactions window with the edited interaction

Once the changed is published, you will see an indication for that:

Illustration: Annoto widget, with the "published" indication

Last updated