Self Learning

The Use Case

In some cases, the learner is not a part of a class, but assigned independently, learning as an individual.

Type of Activity

Learner-Content Interaction

Activity Flow

This kind of interaction is usually 1-way, in which the learner asks a question, looking for an answer from the instructor.

This can also be used in case the instructor requests users to use the Comments Space strictly to ask questions that are to be answered by the faculty.

In addition, in the Annoto Personal Notes Space, the learner has a full-access environment to summarize the video, reflect on its content and add time-tagged thoughts, insights and even questions he would like to explore later-on. Everything that he learns and concludes can be exported (in a video level, as well as in course\ channel level).

Gain Insights

The Annoto Analytics and Insights Dashboard presents analytics and insights on the users' activity, in terms of video consumption and engagement both in a specific video, as well as in the entire course. It also enables a quick and easy management of the discussion (replying easily to learners, give their comments “Educator’s Thumbs Up” and even delete comments, if needed). All from the dashboard itself.

Have any questions? Any other ideas or thoughts regarding Individual Learning? Click here to contact us.

Last updated