Click the Admin Tools icon and click "External Learning Tools".
2. Click on "Manage External Learning Tool Links" tab and then click "New Link" .
Title: Annoto Course Insights
Description: Enter a description that users will understand, e.g. " The Annoto Dashboard was designed in order to shed light upon learners' video consumption and behavior within Annoto in-video collaboration widget, providing you with analytics and insights regarding their activity in the course. ".
Visibility: Check the box for “Allow users to view this link”
Check the boxes under “Signature” and choose “Tool consumer key/secret”.
Check “Use tool provider security settings” under “Security Settings”.
Add the appropriate org units for where in your institution you would like to use Annoto. We recommend choosing the main Org unit and all sub descendants, but you can also select otherwise.
This document shows how to add Annoto to your Brightspace environment.
The Tool Provider allows you to enter the Annoto key and secret one time for all the Annoto tools.
Click the Admin Tools icon and click "External Learning Tools".
2. Click on "Manage Tool Providers (Legacy)" tab and then click "New Tool Provider" .
3. Fill in the information as follows:
Launch Point:
Depending on your type of deployment (Ask your Annoto support representive):
Version: Choose the LTI 1.1 version from the drop down
OAuth Signature Method: Select HMAC-SHA1
Secret: Use your Annoto Admin Secret that was provided to you by Annoto
Check "Use custom tool consumer information instead of default” under "Tool consumer information".
Key: Use your Annoto Admin Host ID that was provided to you by Annoto
Note: This needs to be Annoto Host ID and note API Key/Client ID
Name: Choose a name for the Tool, e.g.: Annoto Course Dashboard
Description: Enter a description that users will understand, e.g. "The Annoto Dashboard helps you manage and analyze learners' video consumption and behavior".
Contact Email: Enter an email address for users who wish to contact support at your institution.
Check "Allow users to use this tool provider" under "Visibility”.
Check all boxes under “Security Settings”.
Add the appropriate org units for where in your institution you would like to use Annoto. We recommend choosing the main Org unit and all sub descendants, but you can also select otherwise.